WILD – A Group Mosaic Artist Exhibition
New Mexico is rich in mosaic designs and murals in public spaces, schools, restaurants, main streets, and private homes. As stated in Mosaics of Central New Mexico, A self-Guided Tour, “Traditionally, mosaic is a style of art where a larger image is created by arranging and attaching bits of clay, glass, stone or other materials directly to non-flexible surfaces with cement and mortar to last through the ages.”
While huge mosaic murals are often group endeavors, the February exhibit in the Placitas Community Library’s Gracie Lee Community Room highlights personal works created by over 20 individual local artists including two- and three-dimensional objects presented on the wall and on pedestals.
Curated by Caroline LeBlanc and Laura Robbins in collaboration with the membership of Mosaic New Mexico, this exhibition features a panoply of unique approaches (some weatherproof and some for indoors only) to this ancient art form. Visitors to the gallery during library hours will be treated to a lively spectrum of techniques, imagination and wildness!
The community is also invited to an artists’ reception Friday, February 7 from 5 p.m. -6:30 p.m.
As always, a percentage of sales from this exhibition will benefit the Placitas Community Library.
For additional information or images, please contact exhibition coordinators Laura Robbins (laurarobbinsmosaics@gmail.com) or Geri Verble (gverb2@comcast.net).