Ten guiding principles for New Mexicans looking to get outside:
It’s important to remember that many areas of Northwest New Mexico, and tribal lands elsewhere in the state, remain closed due to health concerns and the spread of the novel virus Covid-19.
1. The health of others should still be your top priority. Bring a mask whenever you recreate and put in on when approaching other groups. Practice physical distancing.
2. Forget about campfires. There are statewide fire restrictions in place. Check this site for details on fire bans before you go on a trip.
3. Avoid crowded trailheads. Have a back-up plan if your favorite spot is too crowded. Remember, the State Parks that are open are operating under limited, day-use only capacity.
4. Check for closures. Check the land management agencies’ websites before venturing out to recreate. Many of these places are closed right now to protect both recreationists and staff.
5. Practice Leave No Trace principles. #Pack it in, pack it out. Protect your fellow outdoor enthusiasts. Protect the natural resources. Learn how to LEAVE NO TRACE.
6. Be prepared.Many developed recreation sites (including bathrooms) remain closed. Be self-sufficient by bringing in your own snacks, waters, and trash bags.
7. You can only camp overnight at dispersed, remote campsites. All public and private developed campsites remain closed.
8. You can book some outdoor guided trips and coaching sessions.You must still adhere to all group-size limits and physical distancing rules. Don’t go out if you are sick. If you are not exhibiting symptoms, wear a mask to protect your guide or coach. Follow all the Covid-safe practices outlined by the Governor’s Office.
9. Gear rentals can resume. So long as the equipment is properly and thoroughly sanitized between uses.
10. Public gatherings, events, and camping in developed sites are still banned.
Visit the New Mexico State Parks website for current information about public lands closures and re-openings.